Tonight 12 members attended the virtual youth council meeting to discuss important issues on a local community level as well on a global level. First on the table was ‘Sustainability’ - Keeping our world healthy - doing your part.
Recycle, ♻️ Reuse, Reduce
Plant a vegetable garden
Change all of your light bulbs to LED
Plug large electronics into a smart power strip
Switch to reusable water bottles
Use reusable cups
Save water - Use a low-flow showerhead or a shorter shower time
Compost your food and yard waste
Addressing garbage. Our youth council wants encourage every household to manage and reduce waste. Our goal in the future is a world that has zero waste. “If you see it - pick it up” Sierra reminded the group Checking in with Ms Lisa from Milton Public Library who informed us that the grant to offer sensory items to families in Milton libraries has arrived. This means that as our community libraries prepare for opening up public, Ms Lisa can purchase what is needed for patrons. “We are so proud to be a part of the process,” says Aiden. “Imagine how many families will benefit.” Tonight we also celebrated a birthday and Ms Erin brought her positive cheer into the group with a Let’s get fired up cheer routine, as well as a ‘Happy Birthday’ cheer for Nibras. It was fun seeing everyone up and moving! Next on the list was our youth momentum.
Do what you can in your community. As a youth member if you feel strongly about an issue in your community, reach out to council members who are in your riding. Address concerns. Write letters. Talk about it. Be proactive!
Fun fact for July! Have you ever wished for a day where you can eat absolutely anything you want? Well that day is today. National Junk Food Day is celebrated every year on July 21!