Yesterday was the July 19th - Halton Youth Disability Advisory Council meeting!
Over the past months we as a youth council have been focused on connecting community. Being the changemakers in our communities, having open minds for positive Learning, and trying new things, and of course advocating for what each of the HYDAC council members believe in.
This month we had a special guest from the Rick Hansen Foundation, one of the ambassadors and program coordinators, her name was Teri - “Be a Difference Maker” is her workshop and Ms Lisa has organized that we have this opportunity to absorb.
Teri said that more than 6.2 million Canadians have some form of a disability, and the numbers are growing. People with disabilities still face social and physical barriers that stop them from being a part of their communities. While our world has made great strides towards creating an accessible and inclusive world, there’s still more work to be done. Rick Hansen Foundation has an accessibility certification program rates the meaningful accessibility of the built environment – the places where we live, work, learn and play. Our council members loved this and stories were shared of community buildings in communities still not up to accessibility standards. We need to keep asking the questions, writing letters, and talking to politicians. Accessibility is a human right.
Rick Hansen foundation also has a free School Program resources and Ambassador presentations help teach youth and communities about access and inclusion
One thing the council members all agreed upon was that they loved meeting Teri - she was funny, honest, kind and knowledgeable. Being a difference maker in the lives of others, and also taking time to acknowledge those that have made a difference in our own lives is very important. We need to keep working TOGETHER - we can all make the world a better place.