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HYDAC Virtual Meeting - February 2023

Starting off with a fun ice breaker - Where in the world are we?

This fun game of seeing pictures of places around the world and guessing where we were had everyone laughing and talking, starting the meeting off in a positive spirit.

First on the agenda was the official Spring Clothing Drive

What is SafetyNet?

Safetynet provides wrap-around services that encourage independence and help to break the cycle of poverty.

Do you need assistance?

SafetyNet offers a needs assessment- this is where families are invited to sit down with one of the SafetyNet volunteers to develop a plan to best service the entire family. They also will refer families to other community partners who can assist needs.

Get in touch

Next was upcoming community events

1. Spring clothing drive for the end of February.

2. Paint night - (March) PEACE - spring theme

4. Community dance

5. March 10th - Grandmothers voice community event

Last on the agenda was an open community discussion, where our council members talked about things in their neighbourhoods that perhaps need more accessibility, or areas of concern and issues that may be present.


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