Fundraising was at the top of our list and last night our crew started on the project of creating beautiful mixed holiday wellness card packs. This official community fundraiser is to raise funds and awareness for sensory toys in the Milton libraries. The benefit would be for all ages, visitors to the library.
These sensory Toys are designed to stimulate a child's senses and the effects whether soothing or stimulating can effect how children and youth read.
Our HYDAC crew researched that when children participate in sensory activities, they are learning and that means the world to our committee.
Please note: The hand made card packs will be available by November.

Next on the agenda - our crew handed in their introductory letters to their matching senior partners. Pen pals is a program tha
t the Milton library runs with seniors in the community and our youth Advisory Council want to build a relationship. “Loneliness is a risk factor in our community too,” says Connor. “I want to make sure that no one feels lonely and writing a letter was fun and I know it will make someone happy.”
“It was another great meeting,” Maddison said as she walked out the door.