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HYDAC Virtual Meeting - April 2021

Our Halton Youth Disability Advisory Council meeting last night included a youth mental health check in. Talking about a new Environmental series with the Milton Public Library. Earth week on April 22. Community Talk - game time!

First on the table was our mental health checking!

When kids youth and adults are asked to do a how are you feeling check-ins, they can gain self-awareness, a foundation for self-regulation, as well as social awareness and a boost in their potential ability to make responsible decisions and have more positive relationships with others. Says Ms Judith. It also opens the conversation and addresses any issues and concerns as well as encouraging honest communication and sharing of feelings.

Ms. Lisa had exciting news about the upcoming iCAN Fridays (environmental Club - learning program)

  • May 7 – Species at Risk with Conservation Halton (Ms. Lara will talk about what this means, and show us some of her coworkers Violet (a peregrine falcon), Shadow (a barn owl), and Chompers (a great horned Owl)

  • May 14- Pollinator Power with Conservation Halton (again with Ms. Lara)

  • May 21- Sustainability and vegetable gardening with Ms. Helen from the Halton Environmental Network

Earth week is coming up and as everyone knows our Youth Council is directly engaged with environmental factors. Always talking, researching, sharing ideas and participating in nature. Ideas for this week. Taking about your family’s carbon footprint - How can you lower it. What is a carbon footprint The generally accepted definition of carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide, or greenhouse gases, produced as a result of our daily living. In other words, many things we do creates carbon dioxide, or greenhouse gases. If you add up the amount of emissions our daily activity produces you have an idea of the size of the impact we have on the environment.

  • Cleaning up trash in your neighbourhood. Use a set of tongs. Old cloth gloves 🧤, a trash bag, wear your mask and set off in your neighbourhood to help the world get a little cleaner.

  • The Great Global Cleanup. “The goal is to remove a billion pieces of trash from parks, beaches, cities, waterways, our neighborhoods and we want everyone to participate!

Lastly, Talking about community issues: worried about people getting vaccinated. This was a huge talk. Our teens and young adults want to remind community to roll up their sleeves. Not just for themselves but everyone around them as well. Being vaccinated is a community effort! The conversation last night made both Ms. Lisa Portelli and myself realize that our youth are 100% concerned about their future. They want security, to be employed, respected, included just like any other youths. We as community/society need to start early. It’s important that we have opportunities for our youth to grow and be successful - let’s plan ahead. Last on our agenda, games games and games. We played a fun Kahoot game of guess that emoji title - what do those little emojis mean?


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