HYDAC - Halton Youth Disability Advisory Council meeting was another success!
Council members from all over Halton were present at last night’s meeting and it was wonderful to have special guest - Town of Milton, Councillor Sameera Ali join our crew. She is such a positive person, who cares deeply for the youth in Halton. As an active volunteer in the community she addressed the importance of volunteering and helping out wherever we can. Even if it’s an ear to listen, or your hands to make the work lighter at home. Keeping active, while sharing our positive outlook and creative spirits is key to happiness.
First on our agenda was addressing personal coping strategies, ideas and inspirations for youth that are struggling at home.
Talking to friends
Listening to music
Read books
Spending time doing what you love
Learn something new
Playing games
Going for a walk
Learning something new
Playing an instrument
Eat healthy
If you are feeling overwhelmed, talk to an adult, friends, or a professional. Limit watching the news and listening. Be proactive. Try something new. Go for fresh air walks, bicycle rides etc.
Ms Lisa Portelli from the Milton Public Library added an important element. Books are now available for curb side pickup at the library as well as lots and lots of online options, how to videos, music, audio books etc. We need to open our minds to options and explore opportunities within our communities. So reach out to your local library, look at your town or city website and ask what’s available.
Our crews also took a moment to reflect on the importance of acceptance. Love. Community. The sadness of what happened to Mr. George Floyd has deeply affected our ability community and together they expressed their pain and outrage at what is happening around the world. “Not on our watch!” Says Ms. Judith. Together we will stand in unity. Acceptance. Love and courage. Black lives matter.
June is Indigenous history month and our crew all voiced their interest in learning more. Being more knowledgeable is the key to truth and reconciliation.
Pride month is a chance to recognize the impact all our LGBTQ people have had in the world.