Covid has been quite an adjustment for many youth and adults in our communities.

Aiden started off the HYDAC - Halton Youth Disability Advisory Council - discussion panel with an intro that really captures truth.
“ It’s been almost two years and many of us were affected differently throughout the various stages of COVID - some struggling with isolation, social restrictions, online learning. Many of us experienced feelings of loneliness, stress and anxiety and an overall sense of uncertainty during this crucial stage of our development.
It’s that sense of change, fear, and unanticipated disruptions that led to an increase in mental health issues and distress. And - While our population experienced tremendous adversity, it’s important for me to tell you that we also have shown extreme resiliency. With all our community support systems, we were able to learn more about ourselves, and what we need as individuals to cope with hardship, and to be happy and safe.
So this is also a time to congratulate every one of you on doing your very best. - well done and welcome everyone.” - Aiden Lee
Questions from each of our 9 member HYDAC panel added strength to the conversation and for those that participated last night, it was informative to listen to every person’s perspective. Refreshing to know that it was not just you who felt the way that you did. Who struggles with this pandemic.
“Covid-19 has affected many families in communities globally, and it’s so uplifting to hear the power of youth as they speak with such hope and strength.” - Erica