How do you change the world? With one amazing youth at a time, that’s how. - Judith Elaine Yesterday evening was the HYDAC virtual online September, 20th meeting and it was wonderful to hear what our council members have been upto. Seeing their enthusiasm to keep working towards a better future for all us what motivates and inspires.

For this meeting our topics included *Truth and reconciliation September 30th (orange shirt day ) *Discussion on what is impacting, youth and adults in their communities and what can we do to help? *Global pandemic as climate crisis looms on. The impact is being felt worldwide with extreme weather, floods, fires, droughts, and hurricanes etc. This is as always in the top of the list of concerns for the advisory council.
Group one Teigan - Aiden - Joshua - DJ Jay - Jeff FREE Mental wellness health centres - - prevention - treatment - rehabilitation centres Group two Sierra - Kevin - Sierra - Nibras Accessibility concerns for community in transportation - health services - all levels of education and fair employment